We have compiled four pieces of important information for you. Please assure all members of your group have access to these resources. Packing and preparing properly is important and will certainly make your time with ETHOS more comfortable and more rewarding.
1. What to bring (please click for more information)3. Choosing footwear (please click for more information)5. Homestays (please click for a video guide of a typical ETHOS homestay in Sapa)ETHOS Homestays differ greatly from hotels and guesthouses. If you are looking for absolute authenticity in a real home, then this is the choice for you. You can cook and eat with your host family and generally enjoy the hospitality of Sapa's mountain people. Homestays are equipped with a basic sleeping area (bed, blanket and mosquito net). bathroom and toilet facilities vary. Some homes have western toilets while others only have long drop latrines. Homestays are working farms and very basic.
2. Code of Conduct (please click for more information)4. How to find us (please click for full map)6. Sapa Terrain (please click for more information)7. Flora & Fauna (please click for more information) |